Fiance Sex

He pushed my feet farther apart and squatted between my legs. He inserted 2 fingers in my pussy, spreading them open right at the opening. Using the towelette, he gently wiped around my hole, making sure not to miss any area. The towelette was cold and moist; I started pushing downward with my bottom, wanting his fingers deeper inside of me. All of a sudden I felt a smack on my ass, he said NO! Then he told me to turn around and sit. While I was on the toilet, he pushed my legs apart and held the cup to my pee hole. I filled the cup, and got dressed, without saying a word to him. Once we were back in the examination room, we both sat in silence, not even looking at each other. I knew for sure this isn’t the person I wanted to spend my life with. I was thinking of different ways to tell him, but it kept going back to that damn pregnancy test. Why did I even open my mouth about wanting a child to him? I shouldn’t of let my feelings get in the way of this; I can still leave him and be. IS THAT WEIRD? #BLUSHI CAN JUST ENVISION..... SHE COMES OUT OF THE SHOWER, HER NIPPLES ALERT & PERKY FROM THE COOLNESS OF THE AIR AGAINST HER WET SKIN.. I CAN STILL SEE DROPS OF WATER TRICKLING THEIR COURSE DOWN THE CURVES OF HER BODY, INSTANTLY MY MOUTH BEGINS TO WATER.. THEE SCENT OF HER DRIFTS TO ME ONLY MAKING MY DESIRE BURN STRONGER.. SHE DRAWS NEAR AND CRADLES MY FACE AGAINST HER PALM.. SUDDENLY SHE PUSHES MY HEAD, CAUSING ME TO FALL BACK INTO A LAYING POSITION.. WITHOUT A WORD SHE CLIMBS ATOP THE BED AND STANDS ABOVE ME.. SLOWLY, TEASINGLY, SHE LOWERS HER GLISTENING SEX TOWARDS MY LIPS.. WHEN SHE IS MERE INCHES AWAY FROM MY WAITING MOUTH.. CLOSE ENOUGH I CAN FEEL THE HEAT OF HER SKIN.. SHE UTTERS ONE WORD & ONE WORD ONLY, EAT. I LIFT MY HEAD SO THAT I CAN REACH THE PRIZE SO TANTALIZINGLY CLOSE, FIRST I SUCK DEEPLY, DRAWING AS MUCH OF HER MOUND/LIPS INTO MY MOUTH AS POSSIBLE, MORE FORE MY PLEASURE THAN HERS AT THIS POINT.. JUST TO INSTANTLY SATE MY BURNING DESIRE TO TASTE HER...
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